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The EVERTZ Group

Home EVERTZ Scarfing Machine

The EVERTZ Group

THE EVERTZ GROUP은 철강 생산을 위한 뛰어난 기술력과 지속적인 개선을 통해 최고의 철강 및 알루미늄 엔지니어링 제품을 생산합니다. 자체 공장 및 제철소를 보유하고 철강 및 알루미늄 엔지니어링 및 플랜트 건설사업에 주력하고 있습니다.


Guaranteed Quality

The scarfing machines we use are rarely sold on the market. Usually we offer only a framework of complete service packages, including our own specially trained personnel and technology and maintenance and repair. That way we can guarantee the highest quality, performance and around-the-clock availability, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

The service is offered on a price per square meter or on a tonnage basis.

The customer is relieved from the duty of maintaining a permanent stock of spare parts, since Evertz keeps the necessary inventories of spare modules and even complete replacement machines. There is no more economical alternative to this Evertz program.


The most up-to-date, high-capacity scarfing machine of its kind in the world.
The scarfing demonstrations have been a complete success, once again proving that unmatched performance data is the norm for this Evertz facility. The machine is operated manually.

Advantages include an optimal view of the torch and slab, and the immediate recognition and removal of defects during the scarfing process. The operator can react immediately.

Slabs of 90 t and above can be scarfed. We are constantly upgrading and improving our gas technology. In the case of upgrades and improvements, the retrofitting of machines with older gas systems is guaranteed. Current investigations include impulse scarfing. For brown fume (FeO) reduction we offer dedicated, proprietary technology.

Scarfing of slabs:
  All-surface, narrow-face and selective scarfing at speeds between 8 and 25 m/min.
  Scarfing widths from 100 mm to 450 mm
  Water-cooled torches with customized designs ensure long service life
  Fast ignition through iron-powder addition
  Torch manipulation from right to left and immediately again from left to right guarantees up to twice the capacity with one-time ignition
  Minimal ridge between the scarfing cuts. Scale-free surfaces thanks to a universal descaling system (proprietary process of Evertz Hydrotechnic)

Several selectable scarfing programs with the same torch, providing selection of the desired scarfing depth and other benefits

Scarfing times: Scarfing one broad face of an approx. 45 t slab, having a length of approx. 13 m, a width of 2000 mm and a thickness of 220 mm (= approx. 26 m2), takes approximately 6 minutes.

Capacities: Depending on the desired width of the cut, capacities of more than 100.000 t per month are possible.


The flame scarfing machines we use were developed by Egon Evertz KG. We offer flame scarfing machines of all sizes and semi-automatic machines with a great diversity of programs - all with low-specific-energy consumption - featuring round or flat nozzles for any desired surface quality, high yield with the lowest scarfing losses, selectable scarfing patterns and scarfing widths. Slabs can be processed in any position, from flat to upright!

You only reach the top through competition. Whenever cost is a critical factor, all roads lead to Evertz.

Scarfing of slabs:
  All-surface, narrow-face and selective scarfing at speeds between 8 and 25 m/min.
  Scarfing widths from 100 mm to 450 mm
  Water-cooled torches with customized designs ensure long service life
  Fast ignition through iron-powder addition
  Torch manipulation from right to left and immediately again from left to right guarantees up to twice the capacity with one-time ignition
  Minimal ridge between the scarfing cuts. Scale-free surfaces thanks to a universal descaling system (proprietary process of Evertz Hydrotechnic)
  Several selectable scarfing programs with the same torch, providing selection of the desired scarfing depth and other benefits

Scarfing times: Scarfing one broad face of an approx. 45 t slab, having a length of approx. 13 m, a width of 2000 mm and a thickness of 220 mm (= approx. 26 m2), takes approximately 6 minutes.

Capacities: Depending on the desired width of the cut, capacities of more than 100.000 t per month are possible.

DDE Korea
DDE Korea
당진 Office
054-762-3305 054-763-0704 경상북도 경주시 강동면 오금낙산길 46-14
041-357-7827 041-357-7829 충청남도 당진시 송악읍 송악로 536-43