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Self-Cleaning Type applies to most of the centrifuges. It is suitable for continuous and automatic operation on two-phase and three-phase fluids, as it intermittently emits the sludge piled up inside the bowl, as long as excessive sludge is not produced.

Mineral Oil Separators

  오일에 수분 함유량의 유동성이 심한 산업용에 적합한 Separator
  Separating 후 적정 온도로 유지후 Tank 로 유입.

The Advantages of Self-Cleaning Type Separator

  Using belt operation to make less vibration and noise compared to that of gear operation
  Stable low-weight plan enables operation under large G-force
  Compact design allows minimal installation space
  Easy and convenient to operate
  Lower operation and maintenance costs
  Explosion-proof frame and good structure for safty

DDE Korea
DDE Korea
당진 Office
054-762-3305 054-763-0704 경상북도 경주시 강동면 오금낙산길 46-14
041-357-7827 041-357-7829 충청남도 당진시 송악읍 송악로 536-43